For Restaurant Owners

Don’t leave money on the table

Dishio helps restaurants get more guests, boost ticket average, and increase average guest LTV.

Turn clicks into
in-store guests

Showcase your brand on a mobile-optimized, app-like micro website that is easy for users to navigate. With Dishio, convert 10-20% more of your online visitors into in-store guests.

Generate more
repeat business

Your customers are now your data. Leverage this data to re-market to your guests across any platform or channel you choose about upcoming events, specials, or promotions and turn them into repeat customers.

Increase average
guest lifetime value

Every item on your menu can be paired with a variety of others, making upsell opportunities easier than ever while boosting average tickets to new heights.

powerful insights

Dishio gives you full visibility into your customers’ behavior with insights into ordering, website interactions, and customer types, enabling you to make the right decisions that increase your revenue.


Understand guest engagement

Smart Site Reporting

Dishio Menu Reporting

Understand guest engagement
on a per-site level.

From Reach, impressions, address
clicks, menu clicks, call clicks, and more.

Compare and contrast across
desired timelines.

Gain insights and optimize for results.

Dishio Menu Reporting

Understand guest engagement on a
per location level from unique menu
views, total menu views, top items
viewed,new visitors, repeat visitors,
total visitors, and more.

Compare and contrast across
desired timelines.

Gain insights and optimize for results.
Capture guest “cookies” and re-market
to them later, boosting overall LTV.


Maximize your restaurant’s revenue potential

Showcase your restaurant brand online

Dishio is fully customizable to match your brand enabling you to elevate your brand online and convert more online clicks into in-store guests.

Make adjustments and changes on the fly

With a few clicks, add multiple store menus and make edits individually or at a global level from one central location

Turn amazing  experiences into five-star reviews

Every Dishio digital menu gives your customers an easy way to rave about their experience at your restaurant directly on the menu.

Focus on your higher-revenue channels

Remarket your catering, private events, and online ordering allowing you to upsell your higher ticket offerings.

Retargeting like never before

With Dishio, your guests are your data. Reconnect with your customers who have previously interacted with your Dishio Smart Site or digital menu and turn them into repeat guests.

Meet your customers where they are

Dishio provides your guests with a user-friendly, interactive experience right on their phones. Dishio menus are designed mobile-first, tailored for today’s smartphone-savvy diner.

A menu tailored to your guests’ experience

Give your guests peace-of-mind with Dishio badges (e.g. gluten-free, dairy-free, seed oil, free, etc.) so they can dine safely and easily.

A menu in your guests native language

Dishio menus are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French, providing your guests with an easy-to-navigate menu that displays in their native language.

Make suggestions on every item your guests view

If a guest clicks on a ribeye steak, Dishio can easily suggest a glass of red wine and a side to go with it, simplifying the decision-making process for your guests.


Put more money in your staff’s pockets

A menu tailored to your guests’ experience

With Dishio, your guests are your data. Reconnect with your customers who Easily suggest a pairing, or highlight specific menu items, encouraging guests to order more, driving up check averages, and increasing tips all at the same time.have previously interacted with your Dishio Smart Site or digital menu and turn them into repeat guests.

Turn tables quicker

Customers can immediately access the digital menu as soon as they sit down (or from home) and be ready to order by the time the server greets the table, speeding up the dining time.

Ready to Level up Desire, Amplify Experiences, and Maximize Profits?